How to have a successful IEP meeting with the school
An individualized education plan (IEP )is a legal document developed for each public school for a child who needs special education. It is created with the help of the child's parents and school professionals who are knowledgeable of the child's needs. It is individualized to every child. It describes how the student learns, how they can demonstrate their learning and what kind of supports and services will be provided to them. It lasts for the entire school year and has to be reviewed every year to keep track of student's progress. Parents are an expert on their child and they know them the best. They are the most important IEP team members as they know their child's strengths, needs, motivators, and triggers. Parents are the best advocates for their children as they want their children to succeed. The IEP meeting is required by law at least once a year to plan an individualized educational program for the needs of special needs children. This meeting is attended by ...