
Showing posts from June, 2020

Preparing children with autism for summer break.

Tomorrow is officially the last day of school in Canada. Summer breaks here last for two months July /August. School reopens in fall after labor day in September. We are still amid the pandemic so this year the summer break is going to be a bit different than usual. Summer break is usually the time kids look forward to day camps or overnight camps. This year unfortunately due to the COVID-19  pandemic all of the overnight camps have been canceled in Ontario. Most of the day camps as well are canceled but the province is looking to offer some camps with a limited number of children starting maybe in mid-July. Some institutions are going to be offering virtual camps for kids with autism which are free of charge. These camps will allow our kids to develop various skills through fun activities which will work on social interaction and turn-taking skills. Different activities like Zumba, animal shows, karate, music, and art classes will be offered. The restaurants in Ontario are sti...

How to help kids with autism to cope with the pandemic.

It has been almost over two months since we have been in midst of the coronavirus pandemic and there seems to be no end in sight yet.  This pandemic has been challenging for everyone across the globe but it has been extremely challenging for families of kids on the spectrum. Children on the spectrum depend on a routine and a structure. In today's times, this all has been thrown out of the window.  It is very difficult for our kids to understand and make sense of what is going on. Many of them do not have the verbal skills required to ask questions. They are missing their school, teachers, and their extended family. They are missing on the social interaction which is so important for them. I am going to outline a few strategies I am using with my son to make him feel safe and reduce his anxiety to some extent. My son is nonverbal so I can only imagine how challenging it must be to him to make sense of everything which is going on around him. The first thing which has helped...